Our platform
A feature rich platform
We've used rich platform data and the capabilities offered by our next generation technology to develop a range of secure tools and features to simplify processes and help you drive efficiency in your firm. Greater efficiency in turn helps you deliver greater value for your clients.
Nucleus Go
Nucleus Go is our easy-to-use and secure online service, to help your clients keep a regular check on their investments.
It only takes a few simple steps to register for Go and get up and running. Once set up, your clients will have a range of information at their fingertips, making it easy to keep tabs on how their portfolio is doing. They can view the current valuation and performance of their accounts or portfolio and view important correspondence, including quarterly statements and the annual costs and charges information.

Model portfolios
You can easily set up, change and analyse your own model portfolios. You can also analyse each model portfolio through the integrated analytics tool.

This tool can add greater value to your clients by rebalancing their current asset allocation weightings within a model portfolio back to their target asset allocation weighting or a new asset allocation.

Bulk switching
A huge time saving feature that allows you to make switches across multiple client accounts with just a few clicks.

Client reporting with Narrate
Narrate is our award-winning, cutting-edge portfolio reporting tool.
It allows you to demonstrate a high-level summary of your client's portfolio or a detailed transactional breakdown that takes you and your client into the granular detail of their investments.
This flexibility and depth of performance reporting allows you to harness the rich data set of the Nucleus platform to deliver intuitive, interactive and transparent client reporting.

Narrate CG
The Narrate capital gains tool helps you to complete your clients’ tax returns efficiently, quickly and online.
The tool provides single view access to all of your clients’ General accounts and saves you time by producing accurate, detailed reports on your clients’ accounts.

Research tool
This allows you to check detailed fund information for assets on the platform. You’ll find easy to use digital factsheets showing you the latest price and one year performance, as well as the asset’s charging structure.

The alerts functionality is designed to notify you daily, by email whenever an event or transaction has taken place on your client’s account - you can modify it to the alerts you want to know about.

You can generate a range of illustrations on the platform, including pre-sales, post-sales, statutory money purchase illustrations, annual reviews and statutory annual reviews.
Working with us means you can take advantage of our flexible and secure electronic signatures service for new business and client instructions, saving you time.
Client protection is the top priority when choosing the right e-signature software provider, and our flexible approach means you can choose from a list of Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eiDAS) approved providers, including DocuSign and Adobe.

White labelling
We offer the ability to ‘white label’ the platform so that it uses your firm’s brand, logo and primary colours. This branding will carry all the way through to your client reports on Narrate.

You’ll find over 24 platform reports available, offering you a wide range of client data. You can set these reports at adviser or firm level, which allows you to produce a report for a single adviser or a list of all clients for your administrators.

Management information
A single click of the MI tab displays how assets are distributed at firm level by adviser, asset, client, account type and model portfolio.
Getting in touch with us couldn't be easier
Are you interested in becoming a Nucleus user? Then simply click on the button below to contact one of our regional business development directors who'll be delighted to help. If you're an existing user, hit the button below to download your regional contact sheet.